This is something I put together in my spare time. It picks lottery numbers for you based on the number of playing numbers in your particular lottery. It's no more dependable than letting the machine pick the numbers for you, but it might be fun to play numbers that are generated on your own computer.
There are two files named "Lotto Chooser" and "PICKer". "PICKer" is a macro file and must be open when the other file is in order to work. These were created with Excel 2.2, however, there are alternate files with a "1.5" after the name which I saved in SYLK format. These should work if you have Excel 1.5. You may change the names of these files without any ill effects, as long as they're both open together.
To set it to your specific game, first enter the total Numbers in the Game. Then enter the amount of numbers you must pick on a ticket. This will generate odds in other cells, such as total possibilities, odds in picking a winner, odds in picking one less number plus a bonus, etc.
After those criteria are in, from then on just enter the number of tickets you want to play, up to a maximum of 10 at a time, and hit Option-Command-p to run the macro. The screen freezes during computation, but shows each ticket as it is completed.
I hope you enjoy it, and maybe win something! If you do, I wouldn't refuse a piece of the action if you care to share!
These files are free and public domain. I just thought others might like them. If you have any comments, please contact me.